What is a Spirit Level and How Does It Work?

Last updated: October 2, 2024

A spirit level is crucial for builders, carpenters, and DIY enthusiasts. It ensures that surfaces are level (horizontal) or plumb (vertical), whether hanging a picture frame, installing shelves, or laying bricks. A spirit-level tool also ensures precision, saving you from skewed or uneven results.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of spirit levels available, how they work, and what makes them an essential part of any toolkit.

How Does a Spirit Level Work?

A standard spirit level is a long, rigid frame with one or more bubble-filled vials. These vials contain liquid and an air bubble, and the bubble’s position indicates whether the surface is level. The surface is perfectly horizontal or vertical when the bubble sits between the two marked lines in the vial.
The tool uses gravity as its guide. The liquid inside the vial, usually alcohol or a similar substance, provides smooth movement for the bubble to float to the correct position.

Why spirit level is used?

A spirit level ensures that surfaces or objects are perfectly horizontal (level) or vertical (plumb). This tool is essential in construction, carpentry, and various home improvement projects to achieve precision and alignment. Here are the main reasons why a spirit level is used:

PurposeExplanationExamples of Use
1. Ensuring Level SurfacesCheck that a surface is perfectly level, horizontal, and parallel to the ground.Installing countertops, floors, hanging shelves, or laying bricks.
2. Checking for Vertical Alignment (Plumb)Ensures an object is perfectly vertical (plumb).Installing walls, door frames, aligning fence posts, or building columns.
3. Precision and AccuracyGuarantees perfect alignment and balance, preventing mistakes.Building furniture, hanging doors, and construction projects.
4. Preventing Structural IssuesAvoids long-term issues caused by uneven surfaces.It prevents floors that slope, lean walls, or doors that don’t close properly.
5. Professional ResultsProvides polished, professional-quality work by eliminating guesswork.Ensures precision in DIY projects and professional work alike.
In summary, a spirit level achieves accuracy, balance, and alignment, ensuring that everything from floors and walls to shelves and beams is properly positioned and structurally sound.

When was the spirit level invented?

The spirit level was invented in 1661 by a French scientist named Melchisédech Thévenot. Thévenot was a well-known physicist, diplomat, and librarian, and his invention revolutionised how builders and artisans ensured the accuracy of their work.
Before the invention of the spirit level, workers used more rudimentary tools like plumb bobs and water levels to determine horizontal and vertical alignment. Thévenot’s design used a liquid-filled vial with a bubble to indicate level and was much more precise and easier to use.
By the 18th century, the spirit level became widely used throughout Europe, particularly in construction and carpentry. Its design has evolved, with modern versions, including laser and digital spirit levels, offering even greater precision and functionality.

Types of Spirit Levels

There are several variations of the spirit level, each with unique features designed to handle different tasks.

Long Spirit Level

A long spirit level offers extra length, useful for larger tasks like laying down flooring, installing cabinets, or aligning walls. The added length provides more accuracy over longer distances. Typically ranging from 60 to over 200 cm, these levels help ensure large surfaces are perfectly straight.

Stabila Magnetic Spirit Level 2 Vial 200cm

Stabila Magnetic Spirit Level 2 Vial 200cm
The Stabila 80 ASM Magnetic Spirit LeVelcro has an extra-strong rare-earth magnet system for adhesion to metal objects, leaving hands free when aligning and adjusting pillars and supports.

Stabila R-Type Spirit LeVelcro 3 Vial 100cm 

Stabila R-Type Spirit LeVelcro 3 Vial 100cm (39in)
The Stabila R-Type Levels have been developed to meet the toughest building site conditions. They are extremely robust, with an innovative 5-chamber aluminium R-profile with torsion rigidity. 

Digital Spirit Level

A digital spirit level is a modern twist on the traditional design, incorporating digital displays for enhanced precision. The display shows the exact angle of the surface, giving you a numerical readout for more detailed levelling. This is especially useful when working with slopes or custom angles, making it a preferred tool among professionals.

Imex EL120 MK11 1200mm Digital Spirit Level

Imex 1200mm Digital Spirit Level
This highly accurate 1200mm digital spirit level has been engineered from reinforced aluminium box sections, giving you a heavy-duty product that will last a lifetime. The level contains a horizontal, vertical, and digital vial, with a buzzer sound alert when you are at 0°, 45°, and 90°.

Imex EL60 MK11 600mm Digital Spirit Level

Imex 600mm Digital Spirit Level
This highly accurate 600mm digital spirit level has been engineered from reinforced aluminium box sections, giving you a heavy-duty product that will last a lifetime. The level contains a horizontal, vertical, and digital vial, with a buzzer sound alert when you are at 0°, 45°, and 90°.

Laser Spirit Level

A laser spirit level takes accuracy to the next level. It combines a traditional spirit level with a laser beam that projects a straight line across a surface. This tool is great for tasks like aligning tiles, hanging pictures at an even height, or marking straight lines for construction work. The laser ensures consistency over long distances where traditional levels might fall short.

  • Voltage: 12v
  • Laser Line Colour: Green
  • IP Protection Class: IP54
  • Compatible Laser Detector: LLD50
  • Laser Projection: 1x Horizontal, 1x Vertical, 2x Plumb Points
  • Max. Run Time With M12 B3 Battery: 15 Hours
  • Self-Levelling Range: 4.0°
  • Self-Levelling Time: 3 Seconds
  • Working Range Detector: 50 Metres
  • Working Range Visible: 38 Metres

Extendable Spirit Level

The extendable spirit level offers flexibility by allowing users to adjust its length to fit the task. Ideal for working on various projects, this type of spirit level can expand when necessary, giving you the precision of a long spirit level while maintaining the portability of a shorter one. It’s an incredibly versatile option for tradespeople who need to carry a variety of tools.

Stabila Extendable Spirit Level 3 Vial 183-315cm

Stabila 106T Extendable Spirit LeVelcro is an extremely strong double-chamber profile with 2 finger holes. The red-coated end is telescopic.

Stabila Extending Magnetic Spirit Level 3 Vial 216-379cm

Stabila Extending Magnetic Spirit Level 3 Vial 216-379cm
The Stabila Type 106 TM Extendable leVelcro uses a rare earth magnet system with enormous holding power even under steel beams.

How to Choose the Best Spirit Level

Choosing the best spirit level depends on the specific task at hand. For larger, more complex projects, a stable spirit level is often the preferred choice for professionals due to its reliability and accuracy. Laser or digital spirit levels are ideal for greater adaptability, offering precision for intricate tasks requiring exact measurements. A long or extendable spirit level is useful for everyday tasks, especially larger projects such as decking or kitchen cabinets. The added length helps ensure a perfectly straight surface over longer distances.


How accurate are spirit levels?

High-quality spirit levels are accurate, often within 0.5 mm per meter. Accuracy depends on the tool’s quality, so choosing one that meets your project’s needs is important.

Can spirit levels be used vertically and horizontally?

Yes, most spirit levels can be used horizontally (level) and vertically (plumb). Some also have a third vial for checking angles like 45 degrees.

How do I know if my spirit level is accurate?

To check, place the level on a flat surface and note the bubble’s position. Then, rotate it 180 degrees and check again. If the bubble shows the same position, the level is accurate.

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